Depth of penetration of water under pressure. As the voice of the 13290-8. Please first verify your email before subscribing to alerts. Take the smart route to manage medical device compliance. Water is applied under pressure to the surface of hardened concrete. Pressure methods BS EN Depth of penetration of water under pressure. EN 12390-8 PDF - EN This document was published under the authority of the NSAI and comes into effect on: 1 Swift Square. Northwood, Santry. Impermeability Test Sets EN. Impermeability Test Sets En – EN – Multiserw-Morek The Red 12390–8 status indicator indicates that the document is an old version The document has likely been withdrawn by the publisher, also the meta data presented here may be out of date as it is no longer being maintained by the editorial teams at NBS. File Size: 1 file, 640 KB Product Code(s): 30360076, 30360076, 30360076 Document History. BS EN 12390-8:2019 currently viewing. July 2019 Testing hardened concrete. Depth of penetration of water under pressure. Contents of BS EN This concrete 12390–8 been water cured. Please first verify your email before subscribing to alerts. BS EN specifies a method for determining the depth of penetration of water under pressure in hardened concrete.
Bs En 12390 8 Pdf File Download
This is a multi-part document divided into the following parts:

Bs En 12390 8 Pdf File Online
- Part 1 Testing hardened concrete. Shape, dimensions and other requirements for specimens and moulds
- Part 2 Testing hardened concrete. Making and curing specimens for strength tests
- Part 3 Testing hardened concrete. Compressive strength of test specimens
- Part 4 Testing hardened concrete. Compressive strength. Specification for testing machines
- Part 5 Testing hardened concrete. Flexural strength of test specimens
- Part 6 Testing hardened concrete. Tensile splitting strength of test specimens
- Part 7 Testing hardened concrete. Density of hardened concrete
- Part 8 Testing hardened concrete. Depth of penetration of water under pressure
- Part 10 Testing hardened concrete. Determination of the carbonation resistance of concrete at atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide
- Part 11 Testing hardened concrete. Determination of the chloride resistance of concrete, unidirectional diffusion
- Part 12 Testing hardened concrete. Determination of the carbonation resistance of concrete. Accelerated carbonation method
- Part 13 Testing hardened concrete. Determination of secant modulus of elasticity in compression
- Part 14 Testing hardened concrete. Semi-adiabatic method for the determination of heat released by concrete during its hardening process
- Part 15 Testing hardened concrete. Adiabatic method for the determination of heat released by concrete during its hardening process
- Part 16 Testing hardened concrete. Determination of the shrinkage of concrete
- Part 17 Testing hardened concrete. Determination of creep of concrete in compression