1984 issuance of the 2.8F Platin Edition. Newly manufactured Rollei ( licensed by Zeiss ) 80mm Planar lens. Rolleiflex 2.8GX Type I: $ 1,850-2,400: Serial # starts at 2985501. 80mm Planar HFT F2.8 lens. LED Meter readout. Rollei Repairs By Harry Fleenor Oceanside Camera Repair 909 Aviation Blvd. 4 Manhattan Beach, Ca 90266 310 374 6506 - email - harry@rolleirepairs.com. Rollei ROLLEIFLEX 2.8F / Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm F2.8 Product status D Serial Number: Body: 2434541 Heidosmat 80mm F2.8: 888036 Planar 80mm F2.8: 3937223 Shutter speed / aperture Shutter speed: 1s-1 / 500s Aperture value: F2.8-22 / Aperture blade: 5 pieces Accessories:. Rolleiflex SL66E w/Rollei HFT Planar 2.8/80mm & Magazin + Sonnar 150mm. “ Total Condition MINT Serial Number Camera Body: 902260016. Distance scale in meters AND feet after Serial # 2298816. Serial #'s after 2299547 accept both 120 and 220 film. After Lens Serial # 2753002, the Planar lens had 6 elements. After Serial # 2299547, the Xenotar lens had 6 elements. Rolleiflex 3.5F Type 4: $ 900-1,450: Serial # 2810000-on from 1969-71. 75mm Xenotar 3.5 or Planar 75/3.5 lens.
Kumpulan Serial Number Idm
cambug wrote:Rollei Planar Serial Numbers

Rollei Planar Serial Number Lookup
Rollei lenses for 35mm cameras are very confusing, a mix of lenses made in Germany, Singapore, Japan (Rollinear, and some Voigtlander named lenses). Lenses marked Carl Zeiss (in QBM) were made in Germany only ( have never seen any exception ) and those marked made by Rollei were made either in Germany or Singapore, have never seen any lenses with Zeiss trademark names ( like Planar, Tessar etc. ) made in Japan for Rollei. The factory in Singapore was a Rollei factory and have nothing ( I believe ) to do with Carl Zeiss.From the book Rollei Report 4 Rollei - Werke Rollei Fototechnic 1958 bis 1998, the following lenses were available in M42 (TM ) mount for the Voigtlander VSL1 TM camera:
f2.8 25mm Distagon, marked as Color-Skoparex, 1977
f2.8 35mm Distagon, marked as Color-Skoparex, 1977
f1.8 50mm Planar, marked as Color-Ultron, 1976
f2.8 85mm Sonnar, marked as Color-Dynarex, 1976
f4 135mm Tele Tessar, marked Color Dynarex, 1977
f4 200mm Tele Tessar, marked Color-Dynarex, 1977
Have never heard of any Rollei camera existed in M42 mount, so it is reasonable to use a Voigtlander name for its M42 lenses, although I cannot be sure if any amount of lenses in M42 mount existed with a Zeiss trademark name (as officially reported by Herr Prochnow). The mounts in QBM and M42 are obviously not interchanegable, but as the rest of the lenses are the same, it would be much easier to interchange the name ring. For those who wants for sell a M42 lens at a higher price, attaching a Zeiss name to the lens could be an attractive option...